Sunday, March 25, 2007
Illegal Immigration... Since 1492?
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We are German. Irish. Polish.

We are Italian. Swedish. French.

Some of us are English. Hungarian. Romanian.

Many of us are African. Asian. Middle Eastern.

You see it everywhere -- one of the biggest "liberal" arguments for immigration.

"Illegal immigration since 1492."

We've all been there. Or stemmed from people who have been there. We all, in a sense, are daughters and sons of immigrants somewhere in our history because none of us were originally here. We all come from people who sacrificed to be here -- whether it was in time, money, health, history, family... Sacrifices, somewhere, were made.

That is why many say we, as children of immigrants, are here in the U.S. today.

The images are everywhere... from the media to cartoons to merchandise. Everyone seems to be making a statement in some way or another:

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Many political cartoonists also have taken the opportunity to poke fun at, what some may say, is hypocritical of our society. Forbidding immigrants, when we ourselves are immigrants here?

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There are even t-shirts that can be purchased, at places like

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Whether you agree or not -- the argument is hard to ignore.
After all, it seems to be everywhere.

Maybe even in our own reflections.

All images found through Google images. None were taken or drawn by Kari Shaffer.
posted by Border Reflections @ 3:03 PM  
Kari Anne Shaffer
My Photo
Location: Tucson, AZ
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